Domingo Loco / Tango Milonga

Domingo Loco / Tango Milonga: Organizers took steps to re-open milonga celebrating tango. Tango is one of the most famous and influential dances in the world. Originating in Buenos Aires in the 18th century, tango brought together working-class European immigrants, indigenous Argentinians, and former slaves. Tango is a dance-endorsed list of the planet’s intangible cultural heritage; actually, it is hard to identify its origin and cultural core.
Domingo Loco/ Milonga is a monthly event (4th Sunday of every month). And it is hosted by tango master Dragan Ranotovic, and choreographer Elliott Ortiz. It is run at El Barrio's Artspace gallery (ground floor). Each milonga has an open class between 5 pm to 6 pm with Guest Teachers, after the open class milonga runs from 6 pm to 10 pm with a lot of fun; and during the milonga professional Guest Dancers perform a couple of tango pieces.
Drinks and finger food are sold.
Domingo Loco 5 pm to 10 pm / 4th Sunday every month / Reservations: 646-361-6761. Address: 215 E. 99th St, NY10029